Slava Apel will be moderating the Wake Up & Taste Blockchain event on Thu, February 22, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST.
This event is organized by Society Of Internet Professionals and will feature three experts discussing how to harness Blockchain in your life.
Jerry Qian, Founder, One Bounty, founding organizer of The Bitcoin Bay, the largest and longest running Toronto Bitcoin meetup group. Jerry is working on OpenBounty, a project management platform utilizing Ethereum and Smart Contracts. He also consults technology startups looking to obtain and integrate Blockchain technology to their existing platforms.
Aryan Nava, Founder, Chief Strategy Officer, Blockchain Mind
Aryan will help us understand the demand for Blockchain technologies and Cryptonomics – the economics protocols that govern the demand, production and consumption of Cryptocurrencies & helping clients launch ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) on Ethereum & building smart parking using Blockchain and Hardware wallet.
Scott Howard. CEO, ePIC Blockchain Technologies
The infrastructure required to mine cryptocurrencies represents a massive business opportunity and are focused on finding start-up technologies that can empower the blockchain revolution. Scott connects tech companies with partnerships, channels, and capital to accelerate revenue growth. Converting business strategy into a predictable revenue engine that is multi-factor, not just sale.